Grimes has found a way to quit vaping and it's not what you'd expect from the unconventional singer and ex of Elon Musk.

"It is so monumentally embarrassing that I am finally getting into Christianity because it's the only way I can quit vaping," she wrote in a long post on X (formerly Twitter).

She noted that her new journey has sent her into a "philosophical tailspin" but that it's apparently the only way for her to quit vaping.

"I am more of a general deist/ feel like god is physics/ math / sees itself thru our eyes kinda vibe in terms of what I 'actually think' (the universe is also probably dead and empty except yeh idk prob not ngl)," she said.

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"But there really is something in here that at least speaks to me and what is strange is I never truly needed it until I had to stop myself from doing something destructive. I don't usually have a drive that overrides my central nervous system that wants to do smthn as destructive as vaping (so so soooo lame)," she continued in her explanation.

She added that she has been "doubtful" of religion since as young as first grade.

"This has rly been sending me into a philosophical tailspin tho cuz I have never ever ever had my mind even remotely accessible to religion like I distinctly was extremely doubtful abt it in like grade 1 before I could even be introduced to the concept of doubting it," she explained.

"But I am realizing art in and of itself is possibly what god is. The story you tell yourself is very powerful," she concluded.

In a reply to a fan, she elaborated, "I'm still doing research before I fully download the new operating system, I need to work out or give myself an explanation for [other] strange bits otherwise [I'll] go mad. It might be as simple as this is what everyone cares abt and I don't follow this plot point like that but let's see."

"I promised my good friends I'd try alternatives b4 putting my brain all the way thru the ringer," she added.

When one person suggested she check out Catholicism, she responded, "I'm too corrupt to be a Catholic I fear."

Celebrities Who Found Religion

The glitz and glam of fame may appear to be the good life. However, dealing with the trials and tribulations of life all while in the spotlight for the world to see can be a heavy weight to bear. While this is an obstacle all celebrities face, many of our favorite actors, singers and other celebrities have turned to religion to help cope with the pressure of celebrity and find their inner faith.

Gallery Credit: Kayla Thomas