Watch out! This is the most dangerous time to drive in NJ
If you asked me what time is the most dangerous to drive I would probably say any time deer are mating and I’m trying to drive home via 195 (yes, this is based on a personal experience that I’m still bitter about). But, that said, I’m no researcher.
There is an actual answer to this question, though.
A personal injury law firm, Bader Scott, analyzed crash statistics in every state over the past few years. They got their info by looking at data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Through their research they found the most dangerous time of day to drive in New Jersey.
The most dangerous time to drive in New Jersey
Now wouldn’t you think it would be during one of the rush hours when people are either late for work and already on thin ice with a boss and willing to commit to a Jersey Slide?
If not that, maybe on the way home from work when you just want to forget about the stresses of your workday and relax with a guilty pleasure show?
Shockingly, it’s not either of those times.
Here in New Jersey, being on the road between 9:00 p.m. and 9:59 p.m. is the most dangerous time for drivers.
According to the study, 6.53% of all our state’s fatal accidents occur at that time. Between 2017 and 2022 there were 3,492 fatal traffic accidents in the Garden State in the 9:00 hour.
The same can’t be said for other states. The most common dangerous hour in the country as a whole is the hour from 5:00 pm to 5:59 pm with 12 states all owning that hour as their most deadly.
According to Seth Bader of Bader Scott,
In a lot of states, times around rush hour have shown there to be more fatal crashes overall. This may be surprising to some, as many people find themselves to be stuck in traffic at this time.
However, just having more cars on the road in general will increase your chances of having a serious collision.
Not having certain times not appearing on this list does not mean they aren’t dangerous, and this not only emphasizes the importance of safe driving but also remaining vigilant of those around you.
When is the safest time to drive in New Jersey?
The hour from 4:00 a.m. to 4:59 a.m. had the least traffic fatalities with only 83 over those five years and representing only 2.38% of all fatalities.
NJ road deaths by county, 2023
Gallery Credit: Dino Flammia
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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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