Is It Truly Illegal To Bring Food Into PA Movie Theaters?Is It Truly Illegal To Bring Food Into PA Movie Theaters?Can you really get in legal trouble for this?GiannaGianna
Is It Truly Illegal To Bring Food Into NJ Movie Theaters?Is It Truly Illegal To Bring Food Into NJ Movie Theaters?We know it's frowned upon, but is it actually illegal?GiannaGianna
Regal Theaters Are Reopening This FridayRegal Theaters Are Reopening This FridayThe chain’s locations have been closed for months.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Regal Cinemas to Close Again?Regal Cinemas to Close Again?Without blockbusters to show, there’s not enough business.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Movie Theaters Sue New Jersey, Claiming Forced Closure Violates Their First Amendment RightsMovie Theaters Sue New Jersey, Claiming Forced Closure Violates Their First Amendment RightsThree chains sued New Jersey, saying if churches are open, they should be too.Matt SingerMatt Singer
New York and Los Angeles Movie Theaters Plan to Reopen Next MonthNew York and Los Angeles Movie Theaters Plan to Reopen Next MonthBut will audiences come back?Matt SingerMatt Singer