Keith Gunther, of Wanaque, was charged with vehicular homicide and assault by auto. The East Hanover Police sergeant was also ticketed for driving while intoxicated, following the Oct. 15 crash.
According to the affidavit Livia Patelli had been dropping her six month old daughter at a childcare center before heading to work for the past two months.
Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carroll said East Hanover police were called after a 6-month- old girl was noticed inside a vehicle parked in a parking lot on Route 10 Wednesday afternoon.
The 29-year-old Urbina was convicted by a Morris County jury in March. The toddler's mother, Krystal Straw, was sentenced to 18 years but could be up for parole in five.
Edwin Urbina is convicted of murder by a Morris County jury, stemming from the death of his girlfriend's toddler son at a Route 10 hotel, while she was at work.
Daniel Lee has not been seen since Friday. Lehigh University police, which are investigating along with Bethlehem police do not suspect foul play but there is concern that he may have hurt himself.
The one-stop party shop that got its start in the '80s in East Hanover, New Jersey has grown to more than 800 stores. Now the chain is looking to stave off its financial struggles with a $150 million loan.