Lips have been a focal point for sex appeal since long before Kylie Jenner and Angelina Jolie were turning heads for their famous pouts.

For decades, injectable products have been available for people looking to enhance their lips. But what about the folks who are two steps above adding Chapstick but not quite ready to dive into the world of filler-filled syringes?

Cue: lip blushing.

What Is Lip Blushing?

Want the best lips in Hollywood, with or without lipstick? According to TikTok’s beauty buffs, this non-invasive service will not only enhance your lips, giving the illusion of a lifted, more plump pout, but will also leave you looking like you are wearing lipstick without the inevitable wine glass stains.

Lip blushing enhances lips’ natural shade, making lips subtly bolder by adding semi-permanent makeup to your natural shape.

Similar to microblading, which is often used to enhance eyebrows, this temporary enhancement can last for two to three years before you need to return for a refresher appointment.

Lip blushing is also a less invasive alternative to injectables.

Unlike lip fillers, which involve physically injecting solutions to add volume, “Lip blushing is not going to change the anatomy of the lip, just the shade of the lip,” lip blushing artist Ari Schweiger told the Huffington Post.

“I can give clients the illusion of a more symmetrical lip by balancing out the color within their natural lip shape,” Schweiger added. “For a lot of people, this service allows them to feel more confident without seeking out invasive procedures.”

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