First things first, we need to understand that the 2022 hurricane season will be a wild ride.

Although hurricane season formally begins on June 1st, the meteorologists at Colorado State University are getting ready claiming that we will have an "above average" year.

There are already 19 named tropical cyclones and 9 are expected to strengthen into hurricanes. Remember when 2021 showed off and was the sixth straight year of us dealing with above-average hurricanes? The annual average of hurricanes is around 14 hurricanes per year.

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The National Hurricane Center has been naming hurricanes since 1953. The names are maintained and updated through a strict procedure by an international committee of the World Meteorological Organization.

Did You Know Hurricane Names are Recycled Every 6  Years?

The National Hurricane Center won't deviate from the names unless there is a hurricane that is so deadly, here is what the website said. "The only time that there is a change in the list is if a storm is so deadly or costly that the future use of its name for a different storm would be inappropriate for reasons of sensitivity. If that occurs, then at an annual meeting by the WMO committee (called primarily to discuss many other issues) the offending name is stricken from the list and another name is selected to replace it. Several names have been retired since the lists were created."

Check out the names we can expect to see in 2022.

Names of the 19 Predicted Tropical Storms in 2022


LOOK: The most expensive weather and climate disasters in recent decades

Stacker ranked the most expensive climate disasters by the billions since 1980 by the total cost of all damages, adjusted for inflation, based on 2021 data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The list starts with Hurricane Sally, which caused $7.3 billion in damages in 2020, and ends with a devastating 2005 hurricane that caused $170 billion in damage and killed at least 1,833 people. Keep reading to discover the 50 of the most expensive climate disasters in recent decades in the U.S.

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