Remember when you were a kid and you were afraid of turning out your bedroom light because you believed there were monsters under the bed? Or maybe that was just me.

Regardless of what was living under your bed, it's nothing compared to what's taking up residence under your deck or shed in New Jersey. Where I once had a cement patio which my wife wasn't too crazy about, I now have a wood deck.

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Source Adobe Stock

Not only is it part of the home to my wife and kids, it's also the total home for all kinds of creatures great and small, the latest being a skunk.

I found that out when 2 of my neighbors told me they saw Pepe LePew crawling under my back deck, then later that night when I put the air conditioner on in my bedroom only to find an essence I didn't want anywhere near my house.

The following afternoon when my sons came home from school, Lennon says to me "Dad, I know it's legal but you don't have to smoke it in the house." I told him that was not weed, it was a skunk! It REALLY was a SKUNK!

Source Adobe Stock
Source Adobe Stock

He's probably hanging out with the snakes and chipmunks and mice that are probably all hanging out playing poker under my deck. Sometimes when the sun is shining on it, I can look through the cracks and see things looking back. Fortunately no one I know.

So what's under your deck or shed?

John Kensil
For some strange reason my neighbor keeps his Christmas decorations under his porch and last December he went in to get them and he got sprayed my whole family of skunks the whole street stunk he had to miss work for a couple days while he took that the deskunking shampoo baths. Note – the tomato juice bath is an old wives tale

Butch Budai
The government

Mitchell Jay
Black racer snake under pool filter

Patricia Tyson Purks
A groundhog

Terry Gillespie
Krusty the clown

Dante Mele
2 big fat groundhogs were living under my son's screened-in porch for 2 years. They ate a bunch of his plants and flowers. He bought a metal trap. We lured them in, one at a time, with fruit. We drove them to another wooded area about 5 miles away and released them. I was told we should have killed them but no way we were doing that

Mike Blessington
A bunch of abbits and they love the yard

Kathleen Duke O'Melia
Alvin, Simon and apparently Theodore - and annually, whatever progeny they collectively produce!

April Fierro Suk
There’s a groundhog that has lived under our neighbor's shed for 5 years, his name is Charlie

Denise Farrell
All are welcome and invited!

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.

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