Peter Schulz, a 64-year-old Cranford resident and a recently retired OR nurse of 26 years has earned the nickname “Painless Pete” after administering 68,000 Covid-19 vaccines in Union County. He has become a local favorite for telling dad jokes right before he pricks people in the arm.

According to, Schulz first started out the pandemic by volunteering to be a Covid-19 tester at various testing sites last year. Since he retired and began volunteering, Schulz is the first to take every shift offered, he comes in early and stays late. says he often works doubles and works more than 40 hours a week. Now, as a volunteer for the vaccination sites in Union County, he estimates that he gives out between 100-150 vaccines a day. details what you could expect if you’re getting vaccinated by “Painless Pete”, “He’ll compliment someone’s shoulder, telling the person they should be a shoulder model. After vaccinating, he likes to dramatically snap his glove off and belt, “NEEEXT!” — whatever it takes to keep the mood up, get a laugh, calm the nerves of the thousands (1,200 to 1,400 daily) who come through the vaccination center at Kean University.”

Volunteers like Schulz are the reason why some of these vaccination and testing centers work as well as they do. According to the Union County Board of Commissioners Chairman Alexander Mirabella, “Their efforts to vaccinate our residents are essential to the success of defeating the pandemic, keeping our residents healthy, and returning society as a whole back to normal.”


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