Bath & Body Works and Victoria’s Secret Stores are Closing
If anyone is a close friend of mine, they know my obsession with hand soap. When my husband and I used to live in an apartment before we bought our house, we had this storage closet off our bathroom and I had a big 3 tier metal shelf in there with an entire shelf full of hand soap. Bath and Body Works would have sales and I would stock up. I only shopped when they had sales, but they have sales a lot! Once we moved out of our apartment and into our house, my mom banned me from going to Bath and Body Works. The reason? She's the one who packed up all the soaps to move them into our new house and she said there were way too many! I mean, she was right. With the increase of us washing our hands so much because of the coronavirus pandemic, I haven't had to buy soap once. I mean, yes we are using Christmas soap in May, but who cares? Our hands are clean. I got the permission from my Mom and my husband to purchase some soap because they were having a sale and our supply is dwindling down. It's tough because right now, online orders are taking a lot longer than they normally would. I am hoping some stores open up for curbside soon, however Bath and Body Works just announced that they will be closing many stores in the U.S.
According to an article posted by USA Today, due to the coronavirus pandemic, is going to close about 50 stores around the country. USA Today says that sales have gone down about 37% according to L' Brands who own Bath and Body Works. I am shocked because I though that everyone was buying hand soap and sanitizer, but I guess not.
In addition to closing Bath and Body Works stores, L' Brands is going to close tons of Victoria's Secret stores, about 250 they say. They have had a decline in sales as well during the pandemic but there was also a sale of the company that went south when the pandemic started.
I love both these stores and I hope they don't close any local ones. For more info, click on this USA Today article.
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