Be Careful Clicking on Shipment Texts That Could Be a Scam
The Better Business Bureau believes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Especially when it involves the fake shipping texts scams. Scammers are creating realistic looking texts tempting you to click for a scheduled delivery.
Here are some of the phony messages the BBB's Scam Tracker has uncovered.
Using the FedEx name, this one encourages you to click for delivery status on your package.
This one from the Postal Service encourages you to click for an an important notice about an old package.
Just clicking the link can be dangerous, often it directs you to a website that downloads malware onto your computer. Other links will take you to a form asking for personal identification information.
If you truly want to check on a package delivery, never click a link. Instead go to the shipper's website and type in the code to see if it is real.
Here are some other tips from the BBB on how to spot a fake notice:
1. You haven't ordered anything recently. Always keep track of your receipts for online retailers and shipping information handy.
2. Read the fine print when you purchase items online. You may not know it, but you may have signed up for text alerts from the retailer. Check the retailer's website to see if text correspondences are part of their outreach.
3. Don't click on anything. Go to the shipper's website to see if the tracking number is real. For more resources on shipping fraud, see FedEx's website and UPS's online resource center.
4. Report it. You can report these scams to BBB's Scam Tracker.

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