Beware of This Netflix Scam!
I'm a little late to the Netflix party...I just signed up for it, and so far, it's great! I was doing some googling about it and saw this article on Tips and Crafts that said I have to be careful of an email scam. I can usually pick these out, but, this one could be tricky, so listen up! You could recieve a FAKE EMAIL saying they're sorry for interrupting, but, they're having trouble authorizing your card....again, this is a FAKE will look legit, but, it's not! It'll give you a link that will take you to a website that will look real, but, it's not...and if you put your payment info on there, well, they've gotten you. Ugh! It's so hard not to get scammed, because the scammers are good at what they do! So, just a lttle warning to watch out for this one. Don't fall for it!