If there is one thing for certain is that the Super Bowl brings us all together to eat and yell at the television. Truly my family treats the Super Bowl as a holiday. This year like last year we are cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs because of Patrick Mahomes who is from Whitehouse, Texas. This year my family will host a few different socially distanced parties to cheer on the Chiefs and we are all puzzled by the CDC's latest suggestion. Cheer silently?

Gloria Munoz
Gloria Munoz

If you plan to watch the Super Bowl with other friends and family, the CDC is suggesting that you find other avenues of cheering instead of screaming. You know, to cut down on you spreading germs through droplets of spit. The CDC is suggesting using a noisemaker.

To be honest I can't think of anything we can use that is louder than a bunch of my friends and family members. Obviously, the CDC wants us all to stay home and not go out to watch the Super Bowl at our favorite restaurant. However, if you must be out and about quit your yelling and screaming.

According to CBSLA "Fans should wear a mask indoors and outdoors, except when eating or drinking." Keep in mind our weather is looking like we will be in the lower 40's. For a weather situation like ours, CBSLA recommends "Masks should be worn underneath scarves or ski masks, and people should carry a spare mask in case the first one gets wet from snow or rain."


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