Fantasy Island Owners Plan More Fun for LBI
The owners of the Fantasy Island Amusement Park in Beach Haven, on LBI, are proposing to make a new family entertainment center in Ship Bottom.
According to the Sandpaper, their plan is to renovate the old CVS building, near the Causeway Circle.(Long Beach Blvd and 7th Street). They want to turn it into a game zone, an escape room, and XD theater, and a cafe. But, they'll need a variance to do it.
This seems like a much more fun option for this space, than the new municipal complex that was proposed in the past.
It seems like everyone from this area flocks to LBI in the summer, so I figured you'd like this news if you have kids to entertain. Hopefully, it happens.
We have friends in Barnegat Light and Harvey Cedars, and it always seems like a hike to get to Beach Haven (it's on the other side of the island), to go to Fantasy Island. So, a closer option for fun would be great.
Get more details HERE.
C'mon summer.