Hamilton Having The Great Hamilton Takeout Next Week
The coronavirus pandemic has crippled many businesses in our country. When stores and restaurants had to be shut down, they lost thousands of dollars and some may never recover and have to close their doors for good. Once Governor Murphy announced that restaurants could be open for curbside and delivery, things did get a little better and I think many people are trying to support their local businesses right here in New Jersey as much as they can. I know my family and I try to order some takeout every two weeks or so. It's sad to think that some of our favorite restaurants will not return after this pandemic is over, so we try to help out as much as we can. Hamilton is trying to highlight their local restaurants next week with a very special event.
According to MidJersey News, Hamilton township in Mercer County is having a special event on Wednesday, May 27th that they are calling The Great Hamilton Takeout. The cool thing is, it's so easy to participate. Just order food from any Hamilton restaurant and snap a pic or status of what you ordered or where you ordered from and use the hashtags #GreatHamiltonTakeOut and #HopeIsInHamilton.
So make Wednesday night your takeout night for next week. There are many, many restaurants in Hamilton, 200 according to MidJersey, so I'm sure you can find one that everyone in your house will love. Or hey, order from a bunch of different ones. That way, you're supporting a bunch of them.
For more info, check out this article on MidJerseyNews.com.
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