The weekend's finally here, and if you're faced with the "I don't know what the heck to do" dilemma, here are some tips for keeping your social life alive while stuck at home from Self.

1. Get into Video Chatting. It's important to keep up with your friends. It may seem weird at first, but, embrace it, because we may still have a few more weeks of this.

2. Watch stuff together. One way is the new Netflix feature, Netflix Party.

3. Get a pen pal. Start writing letters again...why not, you probably have some extra time now. Don't forget to get stamps while you're out getting essentials. PS. You can get them at the grocery store. I just did.

4. Have virtual game nights. Lifehacker has a list of games board games you can play online with friends. Check them out here.

5. Look for creative online events online. You & your friends can all tune in, then chat about it.

For more click here.

Have fun.

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