So, how about those beach badges? Yes, they fall under the umbrella as constant every summer season, but should they? But as constant as they are, they also change quite a bit. But how?

Well for one, they change by becoming more expensive, so there's that. But also? They've been migrating more and more to digital on your phone (that's the new type of beach badge).

A change in kind of a different sense, sure. But as for going away? Yeah, not happening.

Before we talk about what these Jersey Shore towns should at least do beginning this summer, let's first dive into why these beach badges should probably go away completely.

Why Beach Tags Should Never Be Allowed In New Jersey

Plus why you might be part of the reason badges may never go away.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

Digital beach tags / badges in NJ
Canva (Townsquare Illustration)

Digital Dilemma?

OK, we all know we hate having to pay to set foot on the sand in New Jersey. And as highlighted above, there are plenty of reasons for us to get rid of them,

But if we must be stuck with them, is digital a wise way to go? A lot of people don't like having their phones with them on the beach in the first place, so why force them? There's also the risk of those devices dropping into the sand or ocean.

If we must have them, just let the physical badges remain. Yes, it might be easier for the towns to go digital, but is it really practical? Let's rethink this for 2025.

And while we're at it, what about the local's problem?

beach badges
Dino Flammia, Townsquare Media NJ

Local Dilemma?

Ah yes, the local dilemma. The ridiculous mandate that locals must also pay to use the beaches in their own town. This is something that also needs to change sooner rather than later.

If you live in a coastal town, you should not have to pay to use the beach. Period. But yet, that's not what our local officials think. Not to mention the astronomically high taxes coastal communities have to already pay as it is.

Just let them enjoy the beaches during the summer season for free. And begin this Memorial Day weekend 2025. Now, speaking of free...

Lineup for beach badges on the boardwalk in Belmar
Lineup for beach badges on the boardwalk in Belmar (Dennis Symons,

Check this out: NJ lacks a beach perk that so many locals would love to see

Believe me, it's something every local would want to get behind (read more here).

Welcome to NJ / Beach badges / tags / money
redit user (Canva)

How to spot a Benny or Shoobie at the NJ Shore

A fun take on knowing who is who at the New Jersey Shore.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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