Why you should get the extended warranty on your appliances
Did you ever have an appliance nightmare? The kind where you find out your appliances are out of warranty, and will cost so much to fix that you're better off buying a new one? It's bad enough when this happens to one appliance, last week it happened twice to me; once with a washing machine, and again with a refrigerator.
Here's what happened: My washing machine kept shutting down in the middle of the computerized cycle, and when I tried to reset it, it kept getting worse. My refrigerator kept icing up to the point where the freezer was useless, and my produce was getting drowned in water. Each was less than 3 years old.
I never got the extended warranties because I've had tremendous luck in the past, and have heard that warranties were a ripoff. I could see if you feel that way if you don't use them, but now...
So I called in my appliance repair man who's very reliable, but you do pay for his time, and pay I did.
After checking them out, It cost me $385 to find out that I needed to replace both appliances. That's $385 of wasted money! So, now I'm frantic and checking places looking for deals. I ended up going to Town Appliance in Lakewood.
Shlomo Schreiber, their representative, took time out of family functions throughout the weekend and late at night when I was leaving New Jersey 101.5 after my shift to help me find not the cheap appliances to suit my needs, but the right ones without ever setting foot in their Lakewood location.
The delivery was smooth with plenty of notification and in the end, I stepped up on both fronts, and they're both warranted.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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