For all the virtue signaling that the "green radicals" do to push the alternative energy agenda, you'd think they would pause when the plan goes awry. Not the case in New Jersey. The same people who canceled the bear hunt despite the increase in attacks on people, property, and dogs are essentially silent on the deaths of whales and dolphins.

APTOPIX Offshore Wind-Dead Whales
The body of a humpback whale lies on a beach in Brigantine N.J., after it washed ashore on Friday, Jan. 13, 2023. (AP Photo/Wayne Parry)

Many are calling for an end to the exploration currently ongoing for the governor's offshore wind project. For the administration's part, they insist that it has nothing to do with the turbines because they aren't built yet. Of course, that ignores the mapping using sonar, which has been blamed for disrupting a whale's ability to navigate the ocean and avoid danger like a collision with a ship.

In addition to the absurdity of ignoring the spike in dead mammals washing ashore and floating off the beach, there has been no comprehensive report on the costs and effectiveness of the governor's "Green Folly." Opposition groups have highlighted the lack of transparency and the outrageous costs.

And it is well documented by our own federal government that wind is among the LEAST efficient ways to produce energy.

Additionally, the amount of oil used in the turbines and the massive amounts of diesel used in the construction process completely contradict the term "clean/green energy".

So, if we're following the science and the best practices for empowering our communities with affordable, available, safe, clean, and abundant energy, the wind project would be halted immediately. Unfortunately, the Democrats in charge in Trenton (for now) have blocked even the most modest plan to pause while the whale deaths can be assessed.

My friend Sen. Joe Pennachio, R-Morris, called for a 30-day pause to get a handle on the situation, and the Democrats blocked it.

In New Jersey, Democrat politicians will pull the emotional heartstrings when it suits their agenda, but when it comes to standing up for the welfare of animals they don't care if it conflicts with the "green agenda."

On Wednesday I spoke with my friend John Peterson who is the mayor of Seaside Park. He joined me on the show to discuss how concerned and upset he and the shore residents are at the dismissive attitude of the Trenton government toward what is a very obvious problem that they are perpetuating.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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Most affordable places to live in New Jersey

SmartAsset released a study analyzing the most affordable places to live in New Jersey. The eighth annual study weighed several factors, including taxes, homeowners’ insurance, and home costs relative to the local median income.

How much does the average NJ home cost? Median prices by county

Everything is costing more these days — and housing is certainly no exception in New Jersey.

Data for 2022 from January through August, compiled by New Jersey Realtors, shows that South Jersey has been seeing homes hit the market and sell in less than a month, on average.

Median prices for single-family homes have reached $500,000 and above in nine counties in North and Central Jersey.

All but two counties have seen houses go for more than the list price, on average, this year.

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