Who, knew? I didn't know some of these. Everyday we all learn something. Maybe I'll stump you.

Maybe you already know these but I had no idea for some of these. I love fun facts, hopefully you'll enjoy this. I'm starting with the "FIRSTS" in New Jersey, we were the "FIRST" here in the Garden State (according to barclaysprinceton.com) - the first-ever baseball game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey had the first-ever drive-in movie theater in Camden, New Jersey had the first-ever submarine ride along in the Passaic River, and New Jersey was the first state to sign the Bill of Rights.

allen stoner, getty stock, thinkstock
allen stoner, getty stock, thinkstock

1. New Jersey is referred to the Diner Capital of the world. We have the most diners in the world. There is nothing better than a New Jersey diner.

2. New Jersey's state dance is square dancing.

3. New Jersey has the tallest water tower in the world, it's in Union.

4. We have more engineers and scientists per square mile than anywhere else in the world. New Jerseyans are smarty pants, love this one.

5. Water bottles have a drink by due date because of New Jersey's law requiring a due date on everything. (New Jersey's laws 😂😂)

6. What's a "knobbed whelk"? It's New Jersey's state sea shell.

7. On cold mornings thank goodness I don't have to pump my own gas. I do believe we are the only state now that we don't pump our own gas.

8. Jersey Mike's Subs, we all know about Jersey Mike's. But, did you know there was a secret menu at Jersey Mike's named after the owner. Next time you go to Jersey Mikes ask for the Cancro Special, his signature and personal favorite sandwich, with roast beef, provolone, and pepperoni, all grilled and toasted to perfection.

9. New Jersey's state fish is the brook trout.

10. New Jersey has a volcano, it is no longer active, of course. It's in Beemerville.

Thank you to nj.comhomesnacks.com, and barclayssquareprinceton.com for these great facts.

LOOK: Best public high schools in New Jersey

Stacker compiled a list of the best public high schools in New Jersey using 2023 rankings from Niche.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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