Local Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on May 11th
Local mail carriers will be collecting food donations on Saturday, May 11th for the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. It's the biggest one day food drive in the country.
You can be a part of it very easily. Just leave a bag, box, or can of non-perishable food right by your mailbox. Your mail carrier will pick it up and deliver it to a local food bank for needy families in our area. It's that simple. If you forget to buy things ahead of time, don't worry, just go into your cabinet and pull some food out of there...just make sure it's non-perishable.
I do it every year. Trust me your donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. According to the Food Bank of South Jersey, last year, mail carriers collected 75.3 million pounds of food. That brought the total since the beginning of the collection in 1993 to about 1.6 billion pounds. Wow.
For more information, go to the National Association of Letter Carriers website.