Man from Cherry Hill Makes Desks for Students in his Area reports, Justin Foley from Cherry Hill works at a logistics and trucking company, but just built 40 desks in his garage for kids who are doing remote learning, but don't have a desk to do their work at. He found the plans on Reddit one day after he saw a post and figured he'd give it a shot. At first he put a desk out on his curb and posted about it on Facebook. That desk went quickly and his Facebook posts really gained popularity. Between the Facebook posts and an appearance on Fox 29 News, he needed to buy more materials. Since materials can get costly, he set up a GoFundMe page to help the costs of them. He will keep building the desks as long as people want them. To read more about Justin's awesome act of kindness, click here.
When people put themselves before others, it warms my heart. Especially during a pandemic when people are scared and unsure of the future, it's very nice when people think of others. Acts of kindness are hard to come by these days. People love to get upset about things like politics and being told to wear masks and to be honest, I think it's just absolutely ridiculous. I was always taught to not sweat the small stuff and I have continued to think that way throughout my life. Especially now that I am a wife and a mom, I need to maintain my sanity, so not sweating the small stuff definitely helps.