You're going to have to find a new place for your pup to run and play over the next couple of weeks. The Mercer County Park Commission has announced that its dog parks will close for spring maintenance.

The large dog park is currently closed. The closure began yesterday (Monday, March 28th) and will go through Sunday, April 3rd. The park will reopen for furry friends on Monday, April 4th.

The small dog park will close next starting this Monday, April 4th. This closure will be a little longer than the large dog park, going through Monday, April 18th.

I don't know about your dog, but, my dog, Maizey, can't skip her play time or she has a hard time settling down at night. She has a ton of energy and loves to run and play. If you need to find another place to bring your dog during the closures, head over to Rosedale Park in Pennington. It's not too far from Mercer County Park (maybe a 15-20 minute drive).

If you've never been to Rosedale Dog Park, it's great. Like Mercer County Park, it's also divided into areas for big and small dogs. It's 5 acres and has hills, jumps, tunnels, and a water fountain.

Besides Dog Parks, Mercer County Park offers biking, jogging, and hiking paths, sailing, fishing, ice skating, and so much more. For more information, click here.

Mercer County Park is over 2,500 acres and has entrances on Hughes Drive in Hamilton and Old Trenton Road in West Windsor.

KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies

LOOK: The least obedient dog breeds



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