On July 24th, Fatto Americano of New Brunswick is hosting its competition where New Jersey chefs compete to see who can make the best pizza. The winner will take home a $200 dollar gift card to Fatto Americano and their pizza will be featured on the menu of Fatto Americano for one year.  The event is free to the public, and guests can even try samples of the pizza!

Participating restaurants include, Clydz, Harvest Moon Brewery, The Stage House Tavern, The Frog and The Peach, and Agricola. Audience members will be able to judge the pizza based off samples, but they will be accompanied by a panel of judges. This year's judges include the moms of Fatto Americano owners, as well as special guest, Linda Sorrentino, aka mother of Jersey Shore's  Mike "The Situation"

If not for the delicious pizza, be sure to check out the competition for the sake of possibly meeting Linda Sorrentino. I certainly wouldn't want to miss out on that. A reality star mom uses her son's fame to boost her career as a pizza critic. One can only hope that Mike "The Situation" will set his legal troubles aside to watch his mom eat some classic New Jersey Pizza. If you're as intrigued as I am, here are some details:

What: The Roni Cup

When: Tuesday, July 24 from 7 to 9:30 p.m.

Where: Fatto Americano, 338 George St., New Brunswick






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