Over 40% of New Jerseyans Really Miss Their Work Spouse
A Public Relations and digital marketing resource website called PRPioneer.com recently conducted a survey of "employees working from home in quarantine about their relationship with their work spouse vs. their actual partner."
One of the most interesting findings is the fact that 41% of New Jerseyans say they miss their work spouse more than they think they would miss their actual real spouse. That's a higher percentage than any other state.
Wikipedia defines "work spouse" as "a co-worker, usually of the opposite sex, with whom one shares a special relationship, having bonds similar to those of a marriage."
PRPIoneer.com says that "63% of employees working from home say they would be more productive if they were in lockdown with their work spouse as compared to their actual partner." The site provided a list of tips to make working from home with your spouse easier.
By the way, PRPioneer.com also says that 1 in 10 people surveyed say they have mistakenly called their real spouse by their work spouse's name. (Can you say, "awkward.")
READ MORE: Here are 50 ways you can improve your work from home lifestyle