PennDOT Will You Keep Same Driver’s License Picture With DMV Office’s Closed
We'll be real with you, not one person that we know has ever said, “I like my driver's license picture." If you're one of those rare humans that really like their driver's license picture and you live in Pennsylvania, you are in luck.
According to, if your driver's license is expiring PennDOT will allow you to keep your current driver's license photo. One of the reasons for this decision is to be able to practice social distancing and not have big crowds at the PennDOT locations.
The Acting PennDOT Secretary, Yassmin Gramian, told, "This new process is not only a convenience, but it will help to keep our customers and staff safe." It's only right to do it that way because we all know how busy PennDOT gets. With everything going on right now, no one wants to have to sit next to so many people waiting for so long.
There is some bad news for people that have already renewed their driver's licenses in recent weeks. stated that for Pennsylvania residents that already renewed their driver's license on or before May 10 will be receiving a camera card to come into PennDOT and take a new picture for their new driver's license. For those that had a camera card that was expiring March 16, 2020, through May 31, 2020, just know that it has been extended until the end of June.
It was also mentioned on that the Real ID has temporarily been placed on hold. They are not being issued at the moment. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently pushed back the strict Real ID deadline to October 1, 2021.