Princeton Human Services Dept Needs Backpacks & School Supplies Donations
I remember going "back to school" shopping with my parents when I was younger and it was something I always looked forward to. I loved getting a new backpack, new sneakers and a new outfit to show off to all my friends. It gave me such a good feeling and I always remember feeling like I was so ready to take on a new school year.
These are memories that I will never forget and always got me excited to start a new year of school. However, not all families can afford to buy their kids new school supplies every year, that's where we as a community need to help.
For the past 11 years, the Princeton Human Services Department has collected backpacks, and school supplies for families in Princeton who are in need. They are accepting backpacks, and school supplies like crayons, markers folders, notebooks and other essentials for kids to start school with. These supplies will go to low income families with children from kindergarten through sixth grade.
Donations can be dropped off at the Princeton Human Services office at One Monument Drive in Princeton. They accept donations Monday thru Friday from 9am- 5pm. Donations will be accepted until August 13th.
If families would like to apply to be included in receiving school donations, they can check out the section of the Municipality of Princeton's website, call 609-688-2055 or e-mail to murias@princetonnj.gov.
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