Something special has happened during all the coronavirus pandemic. There has been an overwhelming amount of appreciation for essential workers. Doctors, nurses, first responders, truck drivers, grocery stores workers and many others are going into work while we are told to stay home. They are greatly appreciated and we have been seeing many acts of kindness in order to show appreciation for these people and it really is a beautiful thing.

According to the Snickers website, it is super easy to send an essential worker something sweet to say thank you for all their doing during this difficult time. You just go to the Snickers website, fill out the online form, and then a coupon gets sent to them to redeem their Snickers bar at Walmart stores. Essential workers are putting in long and crazy hours, so Snickers says there is no rush on redeeming it. Every little bit of appreciation counts at this time and we all need to be kind to one another. I'm sure whoever receives these Snickers coupons will love it.

You can get all the details of this awesome promotion here.

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