New Jersey's Coffee Consumption RankingNew Jersey's Coffee Consumption RankingNew Jersey's reputation for loving coffee took a major hit when recent data was released. Our ranking for consumption is going to surprise you.Lou RussoLou Russo
Phillies To Debut New Uniforms And Host Block Party This FridayPhillies To Debut New Uniforms And Host Block Party This FridayThe Philadelphia Phillies will be debuting their new City Connect Uniforms in conjunction with a Block Party at Citizens Bank ParkJosh HennigJosh Hennig
The Average Height For Men And Women In New JerseyThe Average Height For Men And Women In New JerseyIf you've ever wondered how tall you are compared to others, a recent study found the average height in the United States for men and women.Michele PilenzaMichele Pilenza
New Jersey Is Among Worst States For PotholesNew Jersey Is Among Worst States For PotholesIf you think New Jersey is among the worst states for potholes, a recent report confirms what you already knew.Lou RussoLou Russo
Having A Yard In New Jersey Is Going To Cost You, But How Much?Having A Yard In New Jersey Is Going To Cost You, But How Much?Having a lot of land for the kids to run around in or for you to entertain family and friends is going to cost you, especially here in New Jersey.Michele PilenzaMichele Pilenza
NJ Has Fewer Gyms Than Most StatesNJ Has Fewer Gyms Than Most StatesDespite ll the healthy people around us, in turns out New Jersey ranks near the bottom of states when it comes to the number of gyms we have.Lou RussoLou Russo
This Is One List New Jersey Does Not Want To Be On! This Is One List New Jersey Does Not Want To Be On! When you think of various lists that you can be on one that you may not want to be on is a list of places people are leaving. Shawn MichaelsShawn Michaels
NJ Ranks In The Bottom Half Of Tech Savvy States In USNJ Ranks In The Bottom Half Of Tech Savvy States In USIf you thought New Jersey was on the cutting edge of technology, you're going to have to think again. We're in the bottom half of states in America when it comes to being tech-savvy. Lou RussoLou Russo
NJ Spot Named Best 'Diners Drive-In's and Dives' in AmericaNJ Spot Named Best 'Diners Drive-In's and Dives' in AmericaGuy Fieri has featured many New Jersey diners, drive-ins and dives. Which one is the best, though? Matt RyanMatt Ryan
Here Is New Jersey's Romance Score Here Is New Jersey's Romance Score New Jersey only seems to get a high ranking in categories that we'd rather not do too well in, but our romance rank may be bucking that trend.Lou RussoLou Russo