The Last Normal Photo Challenge is Going Viral
There's a new photo challenge starting to make its way around social media called the "Last Normal Photo" challenge, according to HITC.
If you've never heard of it, can you guess what it is? It started overseas recently with the BBC asking the public to post their last "normal" picture, meaning the last picture you took before the lockdown went into effect in your area.
Oh boy, this will certainly prove how different our lives have become in a very short period of time.
The article tells you how you can be a part of it. It's simple. Go on whatever social media you like to use. Remember, hashtags will only truly work on Instagram and Twitter. You can certainly post on Facebook too, but, your hashtag won't be grouped with all the others using the same hashtag. Go back on your camera roll to around March 21st, when New Jersey's stay at home order went into effect, (Pennsylvania was around the same time) and post a picture. Describe it, and give it the hashtag #lastnormalphoto. That's it.
My "Last Normal Photo" wasn't an actual picture, it was a screenshot, actually, many screen shots of Pinterest ideas for the milestone anniversary party that my sister and I were planning for my parents on May 9th. The party never happened. It's been postponed until October, as of right now, but, these pictures make me so sad. We were so looking forward to celebrating my parents' big day. I'd looked forward to that day for years, actually, and the fact that we couldn't have it on that day crushed me. But, we had a huge car parade for them instead, and it was pretty cool. It's all we could do.
What was your #lastnormalphoto?
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