The Office Coming Back to Your TV Screen
'The Office' fans get ready, NBCUniversial has confirmed that it wants to reboot one of its popular shows. reported that 'The Office' will be rebooted and streamed on the new service, named Peacock. Peacock was recently launched by NBCUniversal.
Despite concluding six years ago, the popularity of The Office hasn’t dipped. This may be surprising to some since the show uses offensive humor and behavior, the kind of humor that isn't everyone’s favorite now a days.
Philly Voice states that actor Steve Carrell has mentioned on numerous occasions that he is not in favor of rebooting the show. Carrell says that the show depicts a lot of things that are “wrong-minded” and isn’t sure “how that would fly now.” Carrell does bring up a good point by mentioning the concern that the content of the show may be too offensive for people today. However, the shows popularity, according to Philly Voice, has actually introduced a new generation of viewers.
The show has gotten so much attention over the years and it could gain more attention with a reboot, but we cannot assume anything. No one can predict what can happen if the show does get rebooted. It may get more popular but it may not be received well because of it's humor.