Things To Do While Stuck Inside Due To The Coronavirus
While you are stuck at home because we are all trying to stop the coronavirus from spreading, you might be running out of things to do. Games are getting old and you are probably running out of things to talk about with your family or housemates.
USAtoday.com put together a list of things to do while you are social distancing yourself from everyone and we chose our favorites to share with you.
Meditate - This can definitely help out during these tough times that has put everyone in a funk. We want good vibes to get back to our normal lives.
Write letters to family and friends - express yourself a little more. Really bring back the old days where letters were mailed but really now you'll just hand it to them if they're in the same house as you.
Facetime - Call someone that you have not spoken to in a really long time and catch up a little.
Bubble Bath - This is a great idea just to relax your body and mind. Make sure to have some candles lit around you.
Those are a few that we found to be really interesting on USAtoday.com. One that we were extremely against was, "Text all your exes just in case you have one more thing you wanted to get off your chest." DON'T DO IT!!! Once this is all over with you will regret it.
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