University of California, Berkeley to Offer Nicki Minaj Class
Nicki Minaj is headed to college. Well, sort of. A class about the Queen of hip-hop will be taught for the upcoming semester at University of California, Berkeley.
On Thursday (Oct. 6), Twitter user @Tcmccr revealed that University of California, Berkeley is offering a semester-long course dealing with Nicki Minaj, hip-hop and feminism. The Queens, N.Y. rhymer caught wind of the tweet and responded, "I'd love to stop by."
The course professor, who goes by peace and love el henson, PhD on Twitter, also replied and confirmed that a Nicki Minaj-themed course called "Nicki Minaj: The Black Barbie Femmecee & Hip Hop Feminisms" will be taught at Berkeley next spring.
"[A]ww, thank u so much for sharing this @tcmccr. [A]nd thank u so much for responding @NICKIMINAJ," she tweeted in a thread. "[I'm] so excited to be teaching AAS 140.2: 'Nicki Minaj: The Black Barbie Femmecee & Hip Hop Feminisms' this [spring] 2023 @ uc berkeley. We would be hella happy & honored for u to stop by! [Purple heart emoji]."
The professor explained further: "This class is interested in thinking critically about u and ur productions w/in the context of broader historical-social structures & hip hop feminisms. [So] having yo personal insights would be AMAZING! [I'm] finalizing things this fall & would love to talk more details w/ u via DM?"
The University of California, Berkeley, which has been crowned the No. 1 public school in the country by U.S. News and World Report, also shared the professor's thread announcing the class on its official Twitter page.
UC Berkeley isn’t the only college that has offered a class centering around a hip-hop artist and their music. Rappers such as Jay-Z, Nas, Migos, OutKast and others have been taught in classrooms at various universities across the U.S.