Adventure Aquarium Needs Your Help
Big news! Adventure Aquarium is in the running to be Best Aquarium for USA Today's 10 Best Reader's Choice Awards.
USA Today's 10 Best Reader's Choice Awards have many categories and Adventure Aquarium is up against aquariums from all over the country and is the only aquarium nominated in New Jersey. They need your votes and their social media pages are loaded with adorable pictures and videos to highlight some of the animals and employees that would love your votes.
If you've ever visited the Adventure Aquarium, you know that they totally deserve this award. They are fantastic. They have so many animals and special events, it's a great time for kids and adults too.
If you need the link to vote for Adventure Aquarium, I've got it right here for you. It's so easy, it costs NOTHING to vote and takes two seconds. The voting closes at on or about May 24th. Show Adventure Aquarium in Camden some love. They deserve it.
I had a friend who worked at Adventure Aquarium for many years. She worked with all sorts of animals and the one I can remember her spending a lot of time with were the hippos. I loved seeing her pictures and videos and hearing all about the work she did. She has now moved on to Turtle Back Zoo where she works with all kinds of different animals and you bet I still stalk her.
I love animals and I would love to work with them in some capacity, but for now, I'm in radio and I just get to love on my sweet pup Stella on the regular.
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