Bensalem Restaurant Donates Over 2000 Meals To The Community
Hearing about everyone helping each other during these tough times is so amazing. recently mentioned that Matt Rossi, owner of Nick's Roast Beef in Bensalem, decided to give away over 2,000 meals to those in need.
It is awesome how Rossi told 6abc, "I have it, and I'd like to share it." That's something many of us always say. We wish we had a business to be able to give to those that are less fortunate and are in need.
Those that got a meal from Nick's Roast Beef received a meal which included "wheat breaded fried chicken or meatloaf, and both meals come with a bottled-water, roasted potatoes, and mixed vegetables." It was mentioned on that Rossi said this is a healthy meal but its one that will satisfy you.
What makes this even sweeter is the many people that helped Rossi with the distribution of the meals were also apart of the restaurant industry that are unemployed at the moment. According to, the owner of Nick's Roast Beef is taking donations to keep his restaurant going and able to donate meals to those in need.