8 Gifts to Avoid Giving a Co-Worker This Christmas
The Christmas countdown is officially on! There are now less than 49 days to the "big day" and as we get closer the holidays, the pressure and stress of gift giving increases dramatically.
Here's a list of 8 holiday gifts to stay away from this Christmas according to Inc.com and the Balance Careers.com. Hopefully this will help you avoid a costly Christmas blunder at work this year!
- Jaimie Duplass
Jaimie Duplass 1Food
According to Inc.com, this could really backfire on you especially at work AND especially if you have food (like cookies and candy) all over the office.
- igorr1
igorr1 2Alcohol
I know we're all guilty of this one, especially me, but alcohol can easily offend and/or it can be consumed rather quickly. Oh boy.
- Mega_Pixel
Mega_Pixel 3Wreaths and Holiday Plants
Most people are very picky when it comes to plants. You don't want to get the wrong one though and give it as a gift. Also, your gift will only last about 30 days or so.
- alexsl
alexsl 4Gift Cards
These are so easy and predictable, and I know I've been guilty of giving a gift card on more than a few occasion. It also can give the impression that the person your giving to isn't worth the time or effort.
- Ingram Publishing
Ingram Publishing 5Cash
Never give cash to your boss or co-worker. Cash should never be given as a personal gift.
- Kondor83
Kondor83 6Romantic Jewelry
If you choose to give jewelry as a gift, make sure they are small causal items. An expensive gift of jewelry may be seen as a romantic gesture to some.
- belchonock
belchonock 7Intimate Clothing
All undergarments and most clothing would not be an ideal fit to give to a co-worker according to the balancecareers.com. Stick to hats, scarves or gloves.
- TuTheLens
TuTheLens 8Personal Care Products
Grooming items and sundries including body and skin products, perfumes, toothbrushes, hairbrushes and shaving products.
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