Can You Guess NJ’s Favorite Disney Movie? How about PA’s?
Which classic Disney animated movie is your favorite? That's a tough question, because there have been so many great films produced by Disney. CableTV.com has come up with each state's favorite Disney classic...and New Jersey and Pennsylvania have different picks.
First, let's define what "classic" means. CableTV.com defines a Disney classic as an animated film produced between 1937 (when "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" was released) through 1999 (when "Tarzan" was released). After setting the timeline, they choose the 25 most popular Disney animated pics between those years.
After determining the "classics," CableTV.com then "used Google Trends data to discover which films US states...showed the most interest in over the past five years."
Entertainment Weekly posted the results and It turns out that "Aladdin" is New Jersey's favorite and "The Lion King" is tops in Pennsylvania.
How do those results line up with your favorites?
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