Check Out These Awesome Memories from the ’70’s in Seaside Heights, NJ
Check out these memories from the '70s in Seaside Heights.
I love Seaside so much and these memories show how the fun never changes. There are new rides now, but check out some of the old rides, what great memories. Remember the Swiss Bobs, they're in this video.

Courtesy of Peter James Smith on youtube, a tourism video that was played in Canada...
I just love these "old" videos. You might spot a ride you loved, or maybe a game you loved. Several things look familiar, Lucky Leo's and the sky ride. Remember the skydiver, wow, great memories.
Today we enjoy our favorite rides on the Seaside Heights boardwalk. For me, there is nothing like the sky ride. I've never been on anything like it. Riding high above the sand and ocean, I just love it. Everyone that visits me, we go right to the sky ride. They all love it. Is it even a ride, well it's a sky ride. But, would you consider it a ride, like a regular ride, doubt it?
When I'm lucky enough to find these gems, I love sharing with you. There are several videos from years ago from the Seaside Heights Boardwalk, but this one just is special to me and I'm not sure why. I love it.
When Superstorm Sandy hit and damaged the Seaside Heights Boardwalk, we wondered if the boardwalk would be re-built. So many memories of the old boardwalk. Raise your hands if you miss Funtown Pier in Seaside Park, I know I do.
We all know the boardwalk is back up and running, the arcades, and the games. We still see smiles on the boardwalk with families.
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