Egg Hunt in Palmer Square
Princeton's 2nd annual Egg Hunt will be in Palmer Square on Saturday, April 13th at 11am.
With snow in the forecast (yuck!), it's nice to have something fun to look forward to in nicer weather. The kids will love it, and because Easter is so late this year, it may be a nice day to wander around Princeton afterwards.
According to palmersquare.com, it's for kids up to age 10. They ask that you pre-register. You can buy your ticket HERE. The cost of your ticket is a donation to the Mercer County Chapter of the Sunshine Foundation. The minimun donation is $5, but, you can certainly donate more.
On the morning of the hunt, check in will begin at 10:15am. You'll get a free bag for all of your eggs, and info on the cool things going on during the event, like face painting, and dance party and more.
The hunt will kick off at 11am. The kids will be divided into 3 age groups, and led to their hunting area. After the hunt, you can get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny, check out the dance party, and do some rice krispie treat decorating with Thomas Sweet.
There will be giveaways from some of the Palmer Sqaure stores too, plus, you can turn in your kids' eggs for prizes. Doesn't this sound like fun?
For more info, click HERE.
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