I'm filled with emotion. I just got home from being a part of my very first birthday parade, and it was nothing short of amazing.

A little girl in my town, Kate, is turning 8 today. I don't know her or her family, but I was happy to be a part of birthday celebration. Dozens of people from the community met in their cars at the entrance to the birthday girl's neighborhood, many with homemade signs and balloons, to assemble a parade of cars.

When the parade started, some were hanging out of their sunroofs, while others honked their horns. I was waving to my friend, who happened to be in the car in front of mine...we were in the middle of the parade. We were laughing and having a good ole time. I knew were were getting close to the birthday girl's house, because I could hear cheering in front of me, and sure enough, as I turned the corner, there was Kate, and her family, out in front of their house with balloons on the mailbox. Forgive my pics...I was trying to drive, wave my sign & ribbon, and take pics. Lol. You get the point.



Kate was as cute as could be, dressed up in a princess costume. Her dad was taking video of each of the cars that passed. Her mom waved and thanked all the cars. My laughter quickly turned to tears...happy tears. I honked my horn, waved my makeshift sign...a Happy Birthday gift bag and some curly ribbon...and as I drove in front of her house, I could barely get a "Happy Birthday" out of my mouth. I was overcome with emotion.

It was one of the best things I've ever done. The birthday girl was so happy to be having a parade in her honor. The birthday party with her little friends had to be cancelled this year. But, we all brought her such happiness at such a scary time. Kindness matters. I doubt she'll ever forget this day.

My town has started a list of other birthday kids in town, and I can't wait to do it again.

Maybe you and your friends can start this in your town. It was the best feeling.

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