Anyone who drives in New Jersey knows that horrible feeling. That sensation that you're being watched while driving on the roads. But more likely than not, you're not being watched at all.

At least, not at every point on the road. But that doesn't mean New Jersey's police officers don't have the tools and technology to catch certain drivers who are not driving lawfully on our streets and highways.

For example, sometimes we might be driving faster than we should. Most of us do it, especially here in the Great Garden State. And our great New Jersey police force also knows this fact.

But one thing that's nice about New Jersey is the fact that speeding alone, in certain situations, might not get you pulled over. At least, not on our major highways at particular times. Let me explain this one, from a commuter standpoint.

During rush hours, especially very early in the morning, it's very common for the flow on the Garden State Parkway or New Jersey Turnpike to go well over the posted speed limit (And there's actually a proposal to address just that).

But if that's what the flow is doing, New Jersey's police officers aren't going to pull every one of those cars over if they're traveling safely. It's the outliers that will normally get caught.

In other words, if the flow is doing 75, but you're doing 90, there are good odds they're looking for you. And if you speed on our side roads, it goes without saying.

But there are other reasons too that you might get stopped. Not just here, but anywhere. And especially during the holidays, it's important to stay mindful and be aware that your odds of getting pulled over go up, if any of the following applies.

NJ drivers: These are the top reasons officers issue tickets

Not just police officers in New Jersey, but anywhere for that matter

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

Speed Limit 65 sign
Google Maps (Nov. 2020, GSP)

Wait, there's a law? Why PA drivers have no excuse in NJ

For New Jersey drivers, this one might be an eye-opener.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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