If you are constantly on social media you probably have seen that a ton of your friends or family members are getting married or having kids. If it's not friends and family doing that it is a social media influencer doing it but everyone seems to be starting a family.

Now the question is, are you living in a good state to start a family helping you know you will be raising good kids?

According to Wallet Hub, the state of New Jersey lands as one of the best states to raise a family in 2021. The Garden State landed in the 7th spot overall as one of the best states to have a family and raise good kids. There are different metrics that got the state of New Jersey to land in a good spot, some of those metrics include Family Fun, Health & Safety, Education & Child Care, Affordability, and Socio-economics.

New Jersey received the number one spot for Education & Child care as well as Affordability. Knowing that you live in a state that has a good education for your children is actually an amazing thing because that will give your kids a better future. When it comes to affordability that is also really good because now you know that you can have some extra money to spend.

We all know that in the state of New Jersey if it's not the summer there isn't much to do and everyone complains about it. Wallet Hub made it known that for the Family Fun category New Jersey landed in the 18th spot. Not bad, still in the top 20.

The Garden State landed in a very mediocre spot for Health & Safety. For Health & Safety, New Jersey landed in the 28th spot.

With that being said, if you live in New Jersey you are living in a great state to raise your kids in 2021.


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