Everyone is starting to plan their trips to head down the shore this summer and I have to say, it’s my favorite time of year. The weather is beautiful, the store has so many amazing restaurants, rides, bars, and more.

There’s nothing better than the Jersey Shore in the summertime. A lot of people down the shore love to ride their bikes everywhere and honestly it’s smart. On a really busy weekend, it’s almost impossible to get around by car.

Beaches that are extremely busy like Point Pleasant, Seaside, or Wildwood tend to see lots of traffic from all of the locals and visitors enjoying their days off. Although everyone uses bikes as a main source of transportation, you have to be careful.

Can You Get A DWI For Riding A Bike While Drunk in New Jersey?


No. You will not receive a DWI for riding a bike after drinking. A driver can be charged with a DWI if they are operating a motor vehicle with a BAC above 0.08. Motor vehicles that fall under this category are cars, motorcycles, ATVs, etc.

Since a bicycle is human-powered, you’re kind of off the hook for a DWI.

Is It Illegal in New Jersey To Ride A Bike After Drinking Alcohol?


Yes, it’s illegal to ride a bike after drinking alcohol in New Jersey. Although you will not be charged with a DWI, you can face other hefty fines. You may be subjected to up to $500 in fines and potentially up to 30 days in jail, according to Kugel Law Firm.

Long story short although you wouldn’t get a DWI for doing this, it’s best to just not ride your bike when you’re drunk. You could put yourself in harm's way and also rack up somoe hefty fines. Just get an Uber or walk home!

12 Animals That Are Illegal to Own as Pets in New Jersey

They are cute, interesting, and some are even the stuff of fairytales. But if you're thinking about taking one of these animals for a pet, think again. It's illegal in New Jersey.

Gallery Credit: Heather DeLuca

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