NJ State Offices Closed on Inauguration Day
During a recent press conference, New Jersey Governor Phi Murphy announced he's closing all New Jersey state offices for the day tomorrow (Wednesday, January 20th), inauguration day, out of an abundance of caution, according to NJ.com. All state employees have been told to work remotely for the day.
Even though there is no known threat of violence at this time, the Governor is being extra cautious since the violence at the U.S. Capital Building last week, which left five people dead. Murphy said, “We felt that was right thing to do given the level of tension right now in the county." The Governor also advised all New Jersey residents to "lay low" for a few days.
The article also stated that New Jersey's top Homeland Security official has requested all residents report any suspicious activity. There have been reports of armed marches across the country. Although, a march was planned for the capital steps in Trenton last Sunday (January 17th), it never happened. The city was quiet and peaceful. Many area residents, near Trenton, had a fear of the unknown, and were quite relieved that there was no violence that could have spilled over to neighboring towns.
President-Elect, Joe Biden is arriving in Washington DC today for tomorrow's inauguration events with beefed up security. Bloomberg says around 25,000 National Guard soldiers have been stationed around Washington to patrol, and tall fences have been put up around the White House and and the Capital building.
This will certainly be an inauguration like no other because of the fear of violence and coronavirus restrictions.
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