WARNING! These 80 Southeastern Pa. Towns Just Started a Massive Ticketing Blitz
If you drive on the roadways in Southeastern Pennsylvania, heads up! Local and state police have just started a massive spring ticketing blitz for motorists.
Yeah, you're gonna read this if you drive through Philadelphia or its surrounding suburbs.

More than 80 municipalities have joined with the Pennsylvania State Police for a campaign to increase their patrols (and therefore ticketing) targetting bad driving across some towns in Bucks County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, Chester County, and, yes, even Philadelphia.
Is your town on the list? We have a complete list of the towns you need to be careful driving in across Southeastern Pennsylvania (keep scrolling to view it).
The announcement was made on Monday (March 20, 2023) by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). In fact, they said that a total of 86 municipal police departments will join with the state police for the initiative.
Their coordinated enforcement will focus on more than just speeding, by the way. So youll want to be careful.
They'll be focused on enforcing distracted driving, speeding, work zone awareness, and more.
Plus, they'll be on the lookout for other unsafe conditions like aggressive driving, following other motorists too closely, and not obeying work and safety zones (like school and construction zones).
"Factors include (but are not limited to) running stop signs or red lights, tailgating, careless turning or passing, and driving too fast for conditions," PennDOT says.
Focusing on aggressive driving will help reduce the number of crashes, injuries, and fatalities on roadways, according to this week's press release.
In fact, early data from last year showed that there were at least 1,326 aggressive driving crashes in the same area that's affected by this ticketing blitz for 2023.
More than 80 Pennsylvania Towns Are on A Ticket Blitz
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