March 17th was the day that the Pennsylvania Governor closed all liquor stores in order to promote social distancing, stop people from going out, and hopefully help stop the spread of coronavirus. This obviously made Pennsylvania residents extremely angry, because most of us know, if you're stuck in your house, you most likely are going to need some alcohol to keep yourself sane. There may be a silver lining, but with restrictions.

According to The Patch, the liquor stores are still closed in Pennsylvania, but now you can order some alcohol at the Fine Wine & Good Spirits website. Just a head's up, it might not be available due to the high demand. You can make one order, per household per day, but hey, stock up and you'll be good. It's also good because besides closing the liquor stores, the governor put the state of Pennsylvania under a stay at home order yesterday. So, get on the website and keep freshening to get your alcohol.

Stay safe Pennsylvania.



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