Petition to Give PA Residents E-ZPass Discounts Takes Over Bucks County
A lawmaker in Bucks County, PA sent out a petition to get the tolls reduced for Pennsylvania residents for bridges that go over the Delaware River into NJ.
It turns out that E-ZPasses give discounts to NJ drivers when they cross the same bridges in their own home state. Who knew?
Apparently, habitual NJ commuters get 40% off according to This is for toll bridges like the Scudders Fall Bridge and so many more. Ever since it was built, PA residents have had issues with the tolls.
I could totally understand why PA residents would want that same discount. I mean, 40% is a lot!
Most of the petition is currently signed by Bucks Count residents, but there are signatures coming from all across Pennsylvania.
There are over 1,000 signatures at the moment, but if you want to help out Wendi Thomas' petition you can sign here! The petition ends August 1st, so there are only 48 hours left to show your support.