Philadelphia Zoo Welcomes Two Rescued Puma Cubs!
Welcome these two little cuties to the Philadelphia Zoo!
The Philadelphia Zoo has announced that they have just adopted two orphaned puma cubs, a male and female named Elbroch and Olympia!

Elbroch and Olympia were found in Kalama, Washington after they sadly lost their mother. Before flying to their new home in Philadelphia on July 7, they were in the care of the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. They are estimated to be about 19-20 weeks old (as of Aug 22). The Philadelphia Zoo was chosen to be the place of their new home because of their resources and expertise for this species. So they'll be very taken care of!
When will we be able to see Elroch and Olympia?
Right now, the two furry cuties are being quarantined in the zoo's behind-the-scenes animal hospital, which is typical for new, young animals. Then they'll be integrated into the zoo's Big Cat Falls enclosure, where they'll then be on display in September. (The Philadelphia Zoo did not specify an exact date).
They'll be slightly bigger in September than they are now, so for now we'll have to make do with their adorable pictures and videos provided by The Philadelphia Zoo!
Get a load of these purrr-fect babies!
This is irresistible to a crazy cat lady like me, so I may just have to make a trip to Big Cat Falls! Will you be visiting these cuties in September?
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