Philadelphia’s Newest Shopping Center Set for September Launch
The Philadelphia Fashion District has announced of new stores coming to the city’s newest shopping mall.
The place once known as Gallery Mall is getting a much needed upgrade and is being transformed into a megamall. Sounds like a great reason to visit Philly, as if you needed any more reasons!
Years and years ago, the $400 million dollar project was initiated and is finally set to open its doors in a little over a month. There will be a slew of stores for shopper, including an area that will be full of Philly-based small businesses.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that stores that will be in the Fashion District include old favorites such as, American Eagle and Forever 21 as well as some newer stores such as, Asics and Dolly’s Boutique. The mall will also have an extensive food court, clad with a Big Gay Ice Cream and of course, Philly Pretzel Factory. Some other restaurants include Pei Wei and Oath Pizza, two of which I cannot wait to partake in.
It does not stop there, the Fashion District will also include an AMC theatre, a bowling alley and an art exhibit. From the sounds of it, this launch is going to be huge and I will definitely be knocking down the mall’s doors come September!
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