This Viral Baseball Team That Gives High School Musical Vibes Is Coming To Trenton
It's official...
The Savannah Bananas are coming to Trenton, New Jersey
When I first saw they were coming to Trenton I was actually so excited. First off, baseball is probably the only sport I know extremely well.
I’m so out of touch with football, golf, and just about everything else, but baseball I do understand! The best part about this team is that they aren’t your average baseball team. I’ve seen so many TikToks of this team performing and they just amaze me.
I tend to get super infatuated with a lot of random things, and this is one of them. If you haven’t seen any of their viral videos before, this team looks like they’re straight out of a Disney Channel movie.
They for sure give me High School Musical vibes, in the best possible way. They play a normal baseball game, but the catch is that they come out and do dance numbers, sing songs, and wear a bunch of costumes.
This isn’t just a baseball game, it’s an experience and I still can’t believe they’ll be in the area soon. I have gone through their videos and gone down a wormhole because once you start watching you can’t stop. This is just an all-around, feel-good event that’s coming to town that everyone should stop by and check out if they can.
The Savannah Bananas are going to be at the Trenton Thunder ballpark on August 9th, 2023. It’s been announced really early, but I’m assuming that it will sell out quickly because of its popularity online.
Tickets are not on sale yet, but when they do come out, you can find them and more info on Trenton Thunder’s website.