What?! Is THIS “Omelette” Really a Classic New Jersey Breakfast Dish??
Everything about this confuses me.
I don't know who this guy on TikTok is, but as a New Jerseyan, this video he made just frightened me to my core. So if you're a New Jerseyan through-and-through, let me ask you this so I can make sure I'm not trippin'.

Have you ever heard of a Nutella and cheese breakfast omelette?? My stomach is queasy just looking at those words put together.
According to TikTok user 614lyfe, it's a "classic New Jersey breakfast dish," based on what the caption for his video says.
It's a short clip - about 10 seconds. He slaps down a huge glob of Nutella with some unnammed cheese (looks like shredded mozzarella), and like a psychopath, he literally just melts them both together in a pan until it looks like a gross, gloopy, lumpy pile of **** in the pan.
Then he proceeds to gulp a spoonful into his mouth, and has the NERVE to rate the dish an 8.5/10! Sir, how is that an omelette?? There was not one egg in sight! Literally just Nutella and cheese.
And this is supposed to be a classic New Jersey breakfast dish? I don't think so. But you be the judge. Check out the video down below.
I'm deeply offended. But I can't help but laugh. I had to go to the comments to see what people had to say:
"My therapist is gonna hear abt this," said one TikTok user.
"I’m from New Jersey and we don’t eat this 😂😅" said another truth-speaker.
"Classic Ohio breakfast," said someone else. Does he have us confused with Ohio?
"Breakfast in Ohio," said someone else. And many, many others. Lol.
So have you ever heard of this in New Jersey? If it really is from Ohio, they can keep it!
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